This webinar will focus on what sustainability is, why we should be doing it, and how businesses can become more sustainable and make that transition. The panel will discuss leading issues in achieving Net Zero and dispel myths that surround becoming more sustainable, as well as how transitioning to being more sustainable can have beneficial impacts on organisations.

The panel will include:

  • Dr Esra Kurul, Reader in Organisational Studies, and joint lead of the University’s Sustainable & Resilient Futures Network
  • Dr Lauren Tuckerman, senior lecturer in Business and Management
  • Prof. Rajat Gupta, Professor of Sustainable Architecture and Climate Change, Director of Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development, and Low Carbon Building Group, and Chair of the  Sustainable & Resilient Futures Network
  • Toby Newman Chief Operating Officer, Enistic
  • B4: How Sustainability and Net Zero Can Impact Your Business